Patient Experience Questionnaire

At EH Dental Care we really want to know how we are doing. Please tell us what you think, the survey takes no more than 2 minutes to complete and helps us to improve what we do.

How Long Have You Been A Patient Of The Practice *
How Easy Was It To Make An Appointment?
How Easy Was It To Contact Us By Phone?
Were you made to feel welcome when you arrived?
Did your dentist / therapist put you at ease?
Did your dentist therapist listen carefully to you?
Was your dentist / therapist thorough?
Did you receive clear information on costs?
Who Cared For You Today ( please tick all that apply)
Would you recommend the practice to friends and family?

Our senior team read every single response and discuss them with the team regularly. If you would like the team to know who the feedback was from please leave your name / e-mail address here.