Cancellation and Failed Appointment Policy
Our goal is to provide convenient high quality dental care for all of our patients. If you need us urgently we want to be there to look after you. When appointments are cancelled by patients at short notice or missed altogether, our team are unable to offer the appointment time to anyone else. This means that the rest of our patients have to wait longer for treatment whilst it also significantly increases the cost of providing our service. At EH Dental care we think it is unfair to ask the majority of patients who keep their scheduled appointments to pay more as a result.
While we aim to be reasonable and take exceptional circumstances into account;
- If you miss an appointment or cancel without 48 hours (2 working days) notice a fee of £20 is charged
- You will still have to pay this charge even if you are normally exempt from dental charges
- You may lose your registration if you miss or cancel more than one visit without adequate notice